•  Healthcare/Hospitals/Long Term Care

•  Colleges/Universities

•  Casinos/Entertainment

•  Hospitality/Lodging

•  Restaurants/National/Regional/Private/Organic

Examples of our customer base that benefit from this program:

Who is CORE Partnership?

Customer Profiles

•  A Multi-Channel GPO partner that will work with distribution centers and customers across the USA to help secure and retain business.

Our focus is to provide a broad range of high quality food products and services to create significant cost savings for our members. Core utilizes $24 billion in purchasing leverage and access to items from over 2500 manufacturers to deliver both the rebates and negotiated pricing that drive the program. 

This synergy provides a unique opportunity to access quality products while managing budgets and operational profitability.

​•  Transparency of pricing, rebates and reporting.

•  CORE is a committed partner with staff trained in foodservice procurement who are dedicated to the success of our members.